The Android Arsenal – Validation


This venture gives a easy and streamlined solution to validate TextInputLayoutEditText

Set up

  1. Add the JitPack repository to your construct file
 allprojects {
  repositories {
   maven { url '' }
  1. Add the dependency
    dependencies {
         implementation 'com.github.BrianHardyR:TextInputLayoutValidator:1.1.2'

The way to

Easy Validation

val myinput = findViewById<TextInputLayout>(

    default = "my default textual content",
    validators = listOf(
        { textual content -> t.isNotEmpty() },
    error = "my error textual content",
    onValid = { validText -> 
        // do one thing with the legitimate textual content

Utilizing the Validation Object

Error message for every validation situation
val phoneNumberValidator = TextInputValidator(
    defaultString = "My default textual content",
    validators = listOf(
        { textual content -> (textual content.size > 12) to "Size have to be better than 12"},
        { textual content -> textual content.startsWith('+') to "Enter should begin with '+'"},
Single error message
val phoneNumberValidator = TextInputValidationObj(
    default = "My default textual content",
    error = "Please enter a sound cellphone quantity",
    validators = listOf(
        { textual content -> textual content.size > 12},
        { textual content -> textual content.startsWith('+')},

myinput.validate(phoneNumberValidator){ validText ->
    // do one thing with the legitimate textual content

Validate enter After setting the validation object on the TextInputLayout you possibly can validate it wherever in your code

myinput.legitimate() // Return a Boolean.



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